Thursday 14 June 2012

What is three times more deadly than war?

Work takes more lives than drinking, drugs or war.
   Close to 2,000,000 people die every year from work related accidents and diseases as opposed to the 650,000 who are killed in wars across the globe.
   The most deadly jobs worldwide are in agriculture, mining and construction. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the year 2000, there were a reported 5,915 people who had died at work, this inclusive of persons having heart attacks at their desks.
  Lumberjacks were the most at risk with a recorded 122 deaths for every 100,000 employed personnel. The second most at risk were fishermen and third were airplane pilots with a figure of 101 to every 100,000 pilots ( Don't worry people they were mostly of small - plane crashes, not passenger jets.)
The single most dangerous specific job is believed to be that of the Alaskan crab fishermen working in the bering sea. So respect due to the crew and Captain in the show "Deadliest Catch". They might be the bravest or the dumbest workers in the world, depending on how you see it.

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